* What do you think about my front cover? Masthead and these grey boxes? Are they not too big? Are there not too many cover lines? Is the image appropriate for electronic dance music magazine? What about the colours?
1. I really like the title and colours but maybe move all the headlines up a little on the left side as there is a gap near his head
2. The typeface of your masthead is very good and I think its suits your genre well. The image is also appropriate and I like the colour scheme of the whole thing. Maybe move the left cover lines up a little to fill the gap
3. All of the colours work really well together, I would agree with moving the coverlines up so there isn’t lots of space around his head. The grey box works well as a different visual technique. The barcode doesn’t look like something you’d find on a normal magazine, I’d maybe change that.
4. The title is unique and bold. The genre of electronic is clear and the colour scheme works well. The grey boxes highlight the reader’s attention and there is plenty of cover lines to draw in attention that the magazine has a lot of articles.
5. I like the masthead and the colours used throughout the front cover. I think, the image used is appropriate for and electro magazine. There’s nothing wrong the colours used in fact I think they suit the magazine perfectly! But the grey box in the middle has to go it just doesn’t suit the magazine in anyway what so ever.
* Is there anything missing at my front cover you think? If yes, what?
1. No everything seems okay
2. Nothing seems to be missing the whole thing is very good
3. I can’t think of anything that you’ve missed
4. All seems to be there
5. Nothing is missing on the contrary , it is overflowing with stuff , which I liked!
*What do you think about my contents page? Is it not too dark? What about fonts? Can you read it easily? Is it attractive? Are there not too many images on there? Is it not confusing when the text goes on one side, then folio number and then other way round?
1. Contents page is very good I like how the numbers are larger than the actual text
2. Your contents page is attractive and easy to read and there are a good amount of images on it. I especially like how the colours match those of the front cover.
3. The colours work well and are similar to the front cover which shows you have a consistent style. My only complaint would be the image of your cover star; I would have the focus on his face, not his hand. On your contents page I would have all of the folios on the same side, as it looks a bit random having them at different ends of your article list. I like how you have highlighted important parts of your contents page (such as artists’ names) to make them stand out.
4. There is a lot of information and the folios help the reader to find the pages, however keeping those to one side may make them easier to read in left – right format. The colours are bold and emphasise certain words.
5. For the contents page I have no criticisms what so ever personally I liked it. It challenges the codes and conventions a little I guess but that’s not necessarily a bad thing however , a maybe you require a little bit more structure regard the folios as they seem a little all over the place.
* How could I improve my product?(whole magazine)
1. Its all good
2. No improvements needed
3. All good so far
4. Previously , stated points other than that it’s good for example the grey box on your front cover personally needs to go.
5. I liked everything
* Which font would be better for my double page spread? (it’s the other document opened on indesign)
1. Either the first or the 3rd as I think they look the most electro design
2. The first or the third as they match the rest of your magazine and seem to go with your chosen genre better.
3. I would choose the last one or the third one as they are different to your masthead, showing a bit of variety, and they are big and bold,so matching the genre of your magazine.
4. I think the third matches the text of the whole magazine better and reflects the electronic genre.
5. Personally, the third one like the above point it matches the text of the whole magazine better giving it structure.
You have some interesting feedback here. Now what you need to do is write an brief explanation of what you intend to do to your design work (if anything) as a result of the feedback.